Ephrata Sportsmen's logo 


Established 1952

                                                                                                  OUR GOAL:

                                                                                    To establish and maintain a social

Ephrata Sportsmen’s Association                                  educational association and to

P. O. Box 342                                                              promote Angling, Hunting, Shooting

Ephrata , WA 98823                                                    and Wildlife Conservation



            Steel Challenge Match

            Archery Range Question            


            Range Pictures  


UPDATED:                March, 2014


Range closures: 100 yard range April 19 and May 6th. 

                             25 yard range May 13th.


We will be doing some work on the bays this Spring and Summer, installing some more pistol friendly target frames and rearranging

some of the tables. We will also be putting more sand and gravel on the berms. We will try to keep bay closures to a minimum

during these projects.


Membership: Keys/membership are available at Olde World Trading in Moses Lake or Ephrata.

Please thank them for providing this service. New keys will be required starting Jan 2, 2014. $80.00 per year.

Starting Feburary, 2014, Desert Fly Angler will be selling memberships, also.


Range location: Approx 2 miles S. of Ephrata at intersection of Hwy. 282 and Airport Street. Bays open to the

membership are the 25-50-100 yard bays and the 450 yard bay on approved days.

Trap, Skeet and 5-Stand bays for shotgun only. Pistols and rifles only on the 25, 50 and 100 yard bays.


Upcoming Events: Check out  steel.grant@ymail.com for  information and signup sheets for the Washington State

Pistol Steel Challenge. Most of the range will be closed for the Steel Challenge.  

This is a great event to watch or participate in. Go to the USPSA website for more info.


Steel Challenge: Held the second Saturday of each month. Stop by during match days to get on the email list and learn

about this fun game for pistols and 22 rifles.  8 AM  start, goes 'til noon with a lunch following. Contact person is Grant at

steel.grant@ymail.com   MGM Steel donated the targets for last year's match use. Thank you to Mike Gibson from

MGM Steel in Parma, Idaho.  


We offer six public shooting bays from 7 yards out to 450 yards. You must be a member to use the bays even if the gate is open.   

Several bays are posted for Law enforcement and special use only. Please follow the information on the signs. Please use the

appropriate bay. The Skeet, Trap and 5 Stand areas are for shotgun only. Pistols and rifles only on the 25 and 50 yard bays. 


The 450 yard bay is for 200 to 450 yard use only and is closed on days the stunt planes are out.

We have some new targets coming for 200 yard shooting. Check them out and let us know what your think.

The Port of Ephrata has dates posted on their website for when the stunt planes are scheduled. Go to www.portofephrata.com  

for more info. Remember, persons and/or vehicles cannot be in the 450 bay while the stunt planes are flying.

This is for our protection. We are in their crash zone. This is an FAA enforced rule.


Trap:  Open to the public Sundays at 1:00PM - 3:00PM. Ask for Penn. $3.50 per round of 25.

Skeet: Open to the public on Thursdays at 6:30PM . Only $3.50 per round of 25.   

5 Stand: Randy starts at 11:00 AM on Sundays, $5 per round. Gate is open, membership is not required. Eight clay throwers that are

changed every week. Shotguns only on these bays.


Jr Small Bore Rifle: We are looking for a new director for this program.

Once we get a new director, we will resume this program. Precision 3 position (Prone, Kneeling, Standing) Olympic style shooting for

Juniors 18 and younger who must be physically capable of holding a 10 lb rifle in the standing position. We provide everything needed

for precision .22 rifle shooting. Shooters can work towards their NRA marksmanship titles, and medals/awards are given for

advancing in rank. We are always looking for shooters who wish to compete at matches. This program serves as a great introduction

into firearms and marksmanship for those who have no or limited experience. When we resume this activity, it will be held on 

Wednesdays, 7:00 - 9:00PM.


Bullseye:   Fred Wright is at the indoor Range Thursdays at 6:00 - 8:00PM, November through April.  22 thru .45 pistol.  

They meet in the 25 yard bay during the summer months. $3.50 fee for indoor range use.


Law Enforcement dates:   The Police bay is reserved for Law enforcement use. Law Enforcement may be on any bay at any time. 

The IPSC bays beyond the Police bay are open only for IPSC events. If the gate is locked open, that means there is an event going

on or L.E. is using the range. Please double check before locking the gate. Otherwise the gate is to remain closed.  


Miscellaneous: Range rules are posted and available when you purchase your keys each year. If you witness violations of these rules please

contact the Ephrata Police Department. Call 509-754-2491 for the Ephrata Police Department or 509-762-1160 for MACC Dispatch.

Trash bins are provided for your used targets. Please cleanup after yourself.


There are steel targets available in the 450 bay. These are appropriate for use by most rifles except for 50 cal and any armor piercing ammo. 

If we treat them nicely, they will last for quite a while. Please double check that your ammo is not steel core. If a magnet sticks to the bullet, 

please refrain from using the steel targets. Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month except August  at 6:30PM at the range.

Board Meetings are at the club house on the second Thursday each month. Starting time is 6:30 PM. 


ESA scholarship entries for 2014 scholarships have been sent to the area schools and are be available for interested students. Return completed 

applications by 30 May.  Contact Pops Carter at 764-9082 or 509-750-7740 (text preferred.) 

Email: armed_and_safe@technologist.com  (Note the underscore _ between the words.)


For additional information please call Fred at (509) 750-6567.



Board Contacts

Pres. Erik Borg  

Tres. Bill LeMaster 

Sec.  Fred Wright       

Scholarship Pops Carter 509-764-9082 or 509-750-7740 (text preferred.) 

Our website is http://www.ephratasportsmen.com/

Our FaceBook group is http://www.facebook.com/groups/EphrataSportsmen/ 
Our email address is ephratasportsmen@gmail.com  


                                                                       Thanks, Erik