Matches will be held the second Saturday of every month, starting on March 10th, 2012.
Registration starts at 8:00 am. Shooting starts at 9:00am, March through November.  Winter hours start one hour later. Nov.-Feb.
The entry fee is $10 per gun. Matches will be held at the Boyd Mordhorst Range, located 4 miles East of Ephrata, just off Hwy 282. Course of Fire will be 5-7 steel targets. That’s a minimum of 125-150 rounds. Course of fire and targets will be chosen and set up for your shooting pleasure by your Match Directors.

Firearms: You can shoot with any centerfire pistol (no magnum loads) or any 22LR rimfire pistol or rifle.  High velocity calibers are not allowed. (i.e. 22TCM, 5.7x28 for example)

Scoring will be based on the time it takes you to hit the steel targets, each with one shot.

Each set of targets will be shot 5 times. The slowest of the 5 times for each stage will be thrown out. Your total time for each of the 5 stages will then be added together for your Total Time Score.

Shooters will compete against shooters using the same type of pistol or rifle.

Local pistol classes include:
Semi-Auto with Iron Sights and Semi-Auto with Optics.
Revolvers with Iron Sights and Revolvers with Optics.
In both Centerfire & .22 Rimfire categories, .22 Rimfire rifles with Iron sights and Optics are included. We even have a class for Pistol Caliber Carbines.
Please leave your high power rifles at home for these matches.
FYI-- Laser Sights are allowed in the Optics classes.
Holsters will be required for shooters in the Centerfire Pistol classes.
All Rimfire shooters will start from a low-hold ready position.

All shooters will need a gun rug or range bag into which to secure their firearm when not shooting. Don’t forget to bring:
Sight and Hearing Protection
Range Bags
Ammunition (a minimum of 125-150 rounds per firearm.)
Extra Magazines and/or Speed Loaders (5 recommended)
Pen/Pencil/Paper, Water, Snacks
Needless to say ----“Dress for the Weather”

You need not be a club member to participate in this match. Bring a friend or two.
Come early and help set up. Bring some leather gloves.

Questions or concerns? Email me;

                                                    Thanks, Grant