ESA Minutes for February 2012
Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM by President Carl. Board members
present were Carl, Aaron, Eric and Fred
Treasury report was read and approved. Minutes were read and approved
Carl introduced Garth Galbreth and Garth’s associate Ty Sween who
is the Steel Challenge Chairman. Garth will host a match on the second
Saturday in March (the 10th). It’s open the public and all club
members. Check the club’s web page to details
Membership for 2012 is doing well, around 240 members.
Indoor pistol shooting turn out is down this winter. Indoor Range
is open at 6:30 PM every Wednesday night. Jr. Shooters turn out is
still good. Shooting is every Thursday night at 7:00 PM.
Trap shooting on Sunday is still a little slow. Shooting starts
at 12:30 PM. 5-stand turn out is good. Shooting starts at 12:00 noon
every Sunday. Lights for the shotgun range came in but one was damaged.
When the replacement comes in Randy will plan a work party.
Howard and Jake Fink have a boom truck that we can use. A motion
was made by Fred and seconded by Pops to buy one more trap for
5-stand. The motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM
Fred Wright, Secretary